Feminist Epistemology of International Relation

Authors(1) :-Varsha Upadhyay

The central theme of the paper I conclusively summarize is to sketch all forms of gender biasness and feminist critics and then reformulation of political theory and specifically International relations. The paper consists of elements of writings of a whole spectrum of feminist works and scholarship from 19th to 21st century. Hence, precisely feminist epistemology is an emancipatory and critical study which advocates for the equality of the sexes and gender in every sphere of life through comprehensively “revamping” the domain of knowledge of world politics and political philosophy. Therefore, the nature and aim of feminist epistemology is a basic part of greater struggles which feminist have fought and are still struggling for and towards a just and equal society and world. It is not in giving life but risking life, that men is raised above the animal: That is why superiority has been accorded not to the sex that brings forth but to that which kills. (Simone de Beauvoir)

Authors and Affiliations

Varsha Upadhyay
MA, Political Science, University of Hyderabad, India

Feminism, International Relations, Epistemology

  1. Jacqui True: Chapter-9, Feminism theories of international relation
  2. Ann Tickner: chapter 18. gender in world politics; Globalization of world politics. Oxford university press
  3. Will Kymlicka . chapter 9. Feminism contemporary political philosophy oxford university press
  4. Ann Tickner. Hans Morgenthau principles of political realism. A feminist reformulation , Milennium : journal of international studies

Publication Details

Published in : Volume 2 | Issue 5 | September-October 2019
Date of Publication : 2019-09-30
License:  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Page(s) : 76-82
Manuscript Number : SHISRRJ192517
Publisher : Shauryam Research Institute

ISSN : 2581-6306

Cite This Article :

Varsha Upadhyay , "Feminist Epistemology of International Relation", Shodhshauryam, International Scientific Refereed Research Journal (SHISRRJ), ISSN : 2581-6306, Volume 2, Issue 5, pp.76-82, September-October.2019
URL : https://shisrrj.com/SHISRRJ192517

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