Ways of Developing Competence in Children

Authors(1) :-Dr. Adesh Bharti

A New born child is utterly dependent on his mother surrogates. However ,as he grows up and gains physical strength and cognitive abilities, he tends to be more on his own. He tries to stand up, explore, and make thing happen by kicking and throwing. It is at this stage and thereafter that the mother and other play critical role in helping him develop competence or getting him fixated in dependency. In India the overprotective and indulgent mother or her surrogates are every ready to anticipate and meet his needs before needs get urgent and the child has to cry out for help. In a larger joint family and even in nuclear families, there are always other to jump to help the child at the slightest indication of his seeming discomfort. Naturally, the child does not have to exert. He turns into, what a scholar calls, “the little tyrant” whose needs are met in advance. However, once the passes infancy and his drawn away from his mother’s apron springs, he feels utterly helpless and dependent. But if the child insists on doing it whole evening then the mother needs to feel concerned. Similarly, when a child throws himself in to temper-tantrum once a while it may be normal. But if he does that at the first instance of his being refused something, then the present need to worry. Furthermore, behavioural manifestations of dependency change over time. For examples, climbing into the parent’s lap may be natural dependency for a child of 2-4 years, but problematic during later years.

Authors and Affiliations

Dr. Adesh Bharti
M.A., Ph.D., Psychology, B.R.A. Bihar University, Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India

Publication Details

Published in : Volume 3 | Issue 4 | July-August 2020
Date of Publication : 2020-07-30
License:  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Page(s) : 34-36
Manuscript Number : SHISRRJ203351
Publisher : Shauryam Research Institute

ISSN : 2581-6306

Cite This Article :

Dr. Adesh Bharti, "Ways of Developing Competence in Children", Shodhshauryam, International Scientific Refereed Research Journal (SHISRRJ), ISSN : 2581-6306, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp.34-36, July-August.2020
URL : https://shisrrj.com/SHISRRJ203351

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