Moral Implication of Jaspers Existentialism in Modern Society

Authors(1) :-Pandey Kumari Neelam Dayashankar

The world today is witnessing moral crisis on a huge level which is a consequence of mainly the materialistic attitude and the narrow mindedness of mankind as well as the advancement of technology. Nineteenth and Twentieth century was the age of scientific Advancement, the Industrialisation and Universalisation. Parallel to this, in the field of philosophy there was abstraction. The absolute rational approach both in social and philosophical field brought human dignity to a loss. Meanwhile, Existentialism came in to the scenario as a revolt against abstract philosophy as a vision to pave the way towards Humanity and to revive the lost human dignity but, what is humanity and how can it solve main problems of present age? In my opinion, Karl Jaspers’s philosophy provides a number of moral ideas that are relevant and helpful in solving present problems .The purpose of this article is to bring awareness among the readers regarding the distinction between objective ideology and subjective ideology of morality. The method of this article is critical. Karl Jasper was aware of the loss of individual freedom. The answers of above mentioned questions lies in the fact that what are man’s nature and the nature of his existence. I have focused on the main themes of Karl jaspers Existentialism regarding values and moral values so that the reader is able to develop a clear understanding of the topic and can relate to his own personality ,which will help to make the topic more relevant.

Authors and Affiliations

Pandey Kumari Neelam Dayashankar
Research Scholar, Department of Philosophy & Religion, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India

Encompassing, Ultimate Situations, Existential Communication, Freedom.

  1. G.Robert, An Introduction to Existentialism, Dover publications, Inc, New York, 1962, Pg.19.
  2. Pg.18.
  3. Schrader, George Alfred, Existential Philosophers: Kierkegaard to Merleau-Ponty ,McGraw-Hill book company, New York,1967,Pg.140.
  4. Bedford Mitchell, Existentialism and creativity, Philosophical library, 1972, Pg.150.
  5. Pg.173.

Publication Details

Published in : Volume 3 | Issue 5 | September-October 2020
Date of Publication : 2020-10-30
License:  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Page(s) : 67-69
Manuscript Number : SHISRRJ20362
Publisher : Shauryam Research Institute

ISSN : 2581-6306

Cite This Article :

Pandey Kumari Neelam Dayashankar, "Moral Implication of Jaspers Existentialism in Modern Society ", Shodhshauryam, International Scientific Refereed Research Journal (SHISRRJ), ISSN : 2581-6306, Volume 3, Issue 5, pp.67-69, September-October.2020

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